1988 - 91 "Galactic Frontiers" (Soft Stream International & Human Media, Pty Ltd)

"Galactic Frontiers is a strategy game for one to four players, where each player is a contender vying for supreme power over the galaxy. Starting from a single base planet, players invade neighboring planets by moving ships to those planets. Most planets will be occupied by other forces, either neutral or those of opposing players. Having moved one or more ships to a neighboring planet, the computer will determine whether any ensuing battles are won or lost and the players are informed of the result at the commencement of the next turn."

Russell designed & Produced the strategic computer game "Galactic Frontiers" for Macintosh computers. Galactic Frontiers was developed between 1988 to 1991 as a hobby. It was programmed in Pascal by Arthur Street and marketed in the U.S. through Soft Stream International.  Later, Galactic Frontiers became an established Mac shareware title, and was included on the "Best of Inside Mac Games 1993 to 1996." Effectively now an antique, it still runs under Mac O/S 9.2.

"Galactic Frontiers" is now a 'Shareware' distributed title and was included on the 'Best of Inside Mac Games 1993 to 1996'. 

Downloaded it from: http://macintoshgarden.org/games/galactic-frontiers


(Click here for screen shots of Glactic Frontiers)